In the heart of the Pacific Northwest, a captivating musical force has emerged - meet CJ & Carlianne, the enchanting married country duo, and the front of the band Willow Grove. Their artistry is a captivating fusion of Carlianne’s country upbringing in Longview, WA, and CJ’s eclectic experience from Metal, Punk, and Rap bands during his city days. This dynamic duo weaves these varied threads to create an original and elegant country-rock genre that defies boundaries.
As Willow Grove takes the stage, their magnetic presence draws the audience into a world where heartfelt lyrics and impeccable melodies reign supreme. Celebrating over a decade of making music together, their journey reads like a melodious narrative of love, resilience, and triumph, with songs that strike close to the heart.
Willow Grove has carved their name in the country music landscape, earning critical acclaim and a devoted fan base that hangs onto every note and lyric. Their genuine connection with the audience ignites every performance, creating an unforgettable experience that lingers long after the last chord is played.
As the stage lights shine bright on Willow Grove, the Pacific Northwest’s musical landscape shifts, and the world listens. Their decade-long journey promises continued success and thrilling country storytelling that resonates across borders and generations, leaving an everlasting impression on their continued remarkable legacy.